15 Year Old, Casey Bishop, Wows American Idol Judges With Motley Crue Rendition

Every season of American Idol there seems to always be that one breakout person. Obviously because the network is trying to create a pop star. He/she usually shows up in the audition round and the general viewing public gets an instant feel that this is going to be the person to watch. This is very likely due to the show being extremely fixed and edited for entertainment. And this year it looks like the producers have chosen their golden contestant in the form of a shy 15 year old girl named Casey Bishop.

The audition is typical of the show. Person walks in nervous, unassuming in their musical taste. They reveal what music genre they like which somehow always seems to wow the judges. In the case of Ms. Bishop however, the judges seemed legitimately surprised to learn that she likes old school, hard rock ‘n roll. As well as soul and blues. Def not something you hear often these days from a 15 year old. The judges were even more genuinely shocked when the contestant announced that she would be singing Motley Crue’s ‘Live Wire’ for her audition. A very specific song for a forum such as American Idol. And, a very specific style of singing a vocal ability. You can say what you want about Vince Neal, but he has a very distinct voice.

Now, it should be noted that Ms. Bishop did not sing the song purely. She did her own, slowed down, soul filled rendition. Which was honestly really smart because it gave her her own voice and it didn’t seem like she was trying to mimic Vince Neal. The judges are wowed and even go as far as to say it was the best audition so far in any city. Which makes it clear that the producers of ‘American Idol’ have chosen their golden-girl for the season.

It’s hard to say how to feel about this. On one hand, it’s super produced. And it’s painfully obvious that it’s all pre-planned and edited. On the other hand, it’s very validating for the hard rock community. I mean, this gal didn’t chose to sing ‘Home Sweet Home’ or some other cheesy 80’s ballad. She sang a rocker. With honest roots in punk and glam. ‘Live Wire’ is a well known song by fans and industry folk. But the average music listener isn’t going to exactly think of that track when they first think of Motley Crue. Which made the audition more authentic. Overall, an interesting move on the shows part. Looking forward to seeing what songs are chosen as Ms. Bishop moves onward.


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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at https://www.alexrox.com.

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