Bill & Ted Return To ‘Face the Music’

It’s the feel good film of the summer. A film that, in these times, is unpredictably important. Bill & Ted return after 29 years of absence in ‘Bill & Ted Face the Music.’ It’s like no time has passed at all, except for 29 years.

The film picks up right where you think it’s going to. Bill & Ted are fathers to Thea and Billy; their daughters (played aptly by Samara Weaving and Bridgette Lundy-Paine). They never really fulfilled their destiny. Despite obvious success that’s shown at during the credits of the last adventure. When all of a sudden Rufus’ daughter, Kelley (Kristen Schaal) shows up from the future and tells our heros that all of space and time will fall apart if they don’t write the one song to unite the world. Sending Bill & Ted on a fun and hilarious adventure. Complete with phonebooth and Death (William Sadler). Plenty of heart, good vibes and high stakes are in the mix as well. They can’t do it alone however and their daughters become highly involved.

I don’t want to give too much away. But I will say that it looks like Orion is going to push for a new series of Bill & Ted films with Weaving and Lundy-Paine taking the place of Reeves and Winter. Which honestly, has potential. They do a pretty convincing job and mimic their fathers to a tee. Plus, like Winter and Reeves, they’re simply enjoyable. And have great chemistry. And for those of you who think this is some sort of ‘women taking the roles of men’ and all that, you’re dead wrong. Winter and Reeves are the solid leads of the film.

My only real criticism of the film is that it feels rushed and it’s a little too short. It really could have used another act somewhere in the first half. Or it would have been cool to explore a few more future versions of Bill & Ted. Also, the soundtrack is a little bit on the light rock side instead of the hard rock or metal side. I understand it’s a different age, but it’s Bill & Ted for crying out loud. There are some noteworthy artists on the soundtrack however, such as Lamb of God and Mastodon. But a lot of the other artists are from the light, alternative rock world. At the end of the day it does very little to detract from the feel good vibes that explode out of the screen whilst watching the movie.

In an age of reboots and third installments after decades of absence, Bill & Ted pull it off. Which is not very common honestly. So, for those of you who are worried that it’s going to be a weak third installment, lay your fears to rest. This is a welcome addition to the other two films. Sure, it’s not quite as good. But it’s still pretty damn good. And it’s certainly a film that’s really important to have during these unprecedentedly difficult times. It’s a little flicker of light in the darkness to remind us that people are generally good. So, be excellent. And PARTY ON DUDES!!

Would highly recommend.

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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