Metal Anniversary – Metallica, …And Justice For All

For many it’s regarded as Metallica’s finest hour. And also one of, if not the, greatest thrash album of all time. ‘…And Justice For All’ saw the band evolved musically in a way that could have never been predicted. Particularly after losing original bassist Cliff Burton in the infamous bus crash. But the remaining three members pushed through to create a true masterpiece of metal. An album that would catapult them to megastardom. And there would be no looking back.

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R.I.P. Martin Birch- British Producer Passes At 71

It would be hard to find a British producer with a more impressive resume than Martin Birch. The man worked with numerous prominent names, such as Black Sabbath (Dio era), Fleetwood Mac (Peter Green era), Deep Purple, Whitesnake and Iron Maiden. Among others. He took Iron Maiden to the top of the world from ’81 to ’94. Even appearing in the music video for ‘Holy Smoke’ on the ‘No Prayer for the Dying’ album. He was integral in giving rise to the legendary Whitesnake. And was a key figure in digging Black Sabbath out of the trenches in ’80 and ’81. Needless to say, the man was impactful.

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Metal Anniversary – 30 Years Ago, Pantera Unleash The Fury With ‘Cowboys From Hell’

After years of being a glam metal band, then morphing into a power metal band, Pantera finally found their signature sound. They revealed their toxic combination of groove, thrash and British new wave on the now legendary ‘Cowboys From Hell.’ And this time around they were just simply heavier and more badass than all their contemporaries. Introducing a new, heavier form of metal to the mainstream. That would eventually lead them to being the only band of their heavy caliber to go #1.

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Metallica Drop S&M Tracks And Details

Last week Metallica released some new music, sort of. Two tracks from the upcoming ‘S&M 2’ album were dropped, labeled as new music. Which they really aren’t. However, that shouldn’t really detract from the excitement that’s surrounding the release. ‘S&M 2’ is going bigger, opting for an arena audience instead of a large theater. And, for the most part, the set list is different than the first ‘S&M.’ With the exception of a few signature tracks. There’s also the addition of two classical pieces: ‘Scythian Suite, Opus 20 II: The Enemy of God and the Dance of the Dark Spirits.’ As well as ‘The Iron Foundry, Opus 19.’ It’s looks to be a loaded live album with some unexpected turns.

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Riot Rock Pt. 2 – Progress

The protests have died down, for the most part. But their effectiveness has been clear. Police reform has been sweeping across the country. Officers across the United States are being held accountable for their actions. Things aren’t perfect by any means. There’s still cops that aren’t in prison that should be. But progress is happening. Budget diversion from the police to other social services in major urban areas is on the table in many cities. Including: New York , Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and many other metropolis’ across the country. And while the pandemic is now making a major comeback, voices were heard to make a better day. And there has been little evidence to suggest that the protests are a contributing factor. Creating what is hopefully a doorway into a new era of equality and integrity. Here are the top five tracks to unite, inspire and work for a better tomorrow.

King’s X – Alright

While things may seem bleak now, they always come around. That’s the premise behind King’s X’s ‘Alright.’ One of the highlight tracks from their 2008 record ‘XV.’ It’s classic, hopeful track from the power trio. Mixed with their signature heavy yet melodic verses and sing along chorus’. There are also lyrics in the track that can be interpreted as referring to the Covid-19 crisis as well. A powerful track with a simple, yet powerful message.

Van Halen – Ballot or the Bullet

Who would have thought that a Van Halen track, particularly one from ‘Van Halen III,’ would ever hold any prominence with current affairs in 2020? That’s right, not one damn person. First off, Van Halen III is really underrated. With the exception of a few tracks. In fact, four of the songs are some of the best shit in their entire catalog. One of the four is a real barn burner called ‘Ballot or the Bullet.’ The aggressive track is Van Halen at their heaviest. And vocalist Gary Cherone brought some of his political lyrics with him upon joining the band. This year marks what is arguably the most important election in modern history. The ballot is more important than ever. ‘Ballot or the bullet, the choice is up to you.’ It’s up to the listener to take which direction they choose. VOTE!

Prong – Broken Peace

This downright funky, heavy and phat track is a perfect one for healing. It’s a boot straps themed song that seems more relevant than ever. And what’s cool about it is that it’s a broad scope lyrically. It can be applied to almost any situation where there is strife. While the infectious groove digs into the listeners skin for motivation. Right now this country needs to come together to ‘pick up the broken pieces.’ We’re hurting, but it’s become more clear than ever that we are going to have to bring change about ourselves. We can’t wait for others to do it for us.

Living Colour – History Lesson/Pride

Progress is about learning. An now is a time for learning. About our criminal justice system, about the systemic racism and about the identity of our country. Subjects that have always been a part of Living Colour’s lyrical direction. And they do it so effectively by having a great time with it. ‘Pride’ is a prime example of everything Living Colour. Sick groove, phat ass drums, intricate bass line and bad ass guitar riff. With perfectly match soulful vocals. Living Colour use their snarky, punk attitudes to get their point across to maximum effectiveness on this track. Particularly with the opening ‘History Lesson.’ It’s a track that sticks. Linking African American history to American history as a whole. Breaking down the barriers. And kicking ass while doing it.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Power of Equality

This funky, rockin’, barn burner of a track opens ‘Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic.’ And it’s a truly ‘red hot’ song from a period when the band’s music matched their name. The Chili Peppers rarely get political. But when they do they do it with passion and intensity. And ‘Power of Equality’ really hits home. Plus, it’s also one of the Chili’s most excellently rockin’ funk tracks. Chad Smith’s drums sound particularly kick ass on it. Plus, the cowbell during the solo bridge is a killer addition.

Def Leppard – ‘Hits Vegas’ Review

Def Leppard are back at it. Releasing new, excellent live material. Which is crazy considering that they never released an audio live document until 2011’s ‘Mirror Ball.’ And since then they’ve released a slew of live albums that include, ‘And There Will Be A Next Time…Live in Detroit’ and ‘Viva! Hysteria,’ the first Vegas live document. As well as audio live versions of their legendary 1983 show at the L.A. forum and ‘Live…In the Round, In Your Face.’ That’s four live albums being released in the last nine years. And the tradition keeps rolling with the new ‘London to Vegas.’

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Bill & Ted: Face The Music Reveals Trailer and New Poster

The energy around the new Bill and Ted film has been buzzing. And now that the energy is being fueled even more. With a new trailer and poster for the film that’s set to be released on August 21st. The question, of course, is will the theaters be ready to be opened by then? And if they are, will they be able to draw a worthy sized crowd for the movie; despite social distancing? Time will tell. But for now, the picture is right on track.

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Riot Rock Pt. 1 – Fuel the Flames

People are pissed off. And they should be. The continuous murder of black men from law enforcement in this country is blatant. And the bias that runs rampant in many law enforcement organizations is now more clear than ever. With officers attacking peaceful protestors in unabashed fashion. Which is only fueling the rage even more. Black children are getting tased because they simply needed to get some food passed curfew. Which the protests didn’t allow them to do during non curfew hours. And other young people that we have failed are being beaten for peacefully sticking up for their friends and brethren. It’s disgusting and enraging. The reaction to the final straw of George Floyd’s murder has lit a fire under America’s ass. Decades of government neglect in America to it’s people, particularly black and latino, have now boiled over. The chickens are coming home to roost. And here are the best tracks for fueling the fire.

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Mastodon Contributing Track For Bill & Ted III

One of the most important elements of a Bill and Ted flick is the killer soundtrack. The first two outings both supply excellent tunes from some of the greatest hard rock acts including: Extreme, Winger, Slaughter, KISS, Faith No More, King’s X, Shark Island and Tora Tora. And now the tradition continues with the new Bill and Ted contribution from mega-rockers Mastodon.

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