Get Better Soon James Hetfield

Metallica have recently postponed a major tour leg in Australia and New Zealand for their most recent album, ‘Hardwired To Self Destruct.’ The reason? Legendary frontman James Hetfield needs to take care of himself and has entered rehab.

A statement from Metallica reads as such, ‘We are truly sorry to inform our friends and fans that we must postpone our upcoming tour of Australia and New Zealand. As most of you probably know, our brother James Hetfield has been struggling with addiction on and off for many years. He has now, unfortunately, had to re-enter a treatment program to work on his recovery again. We fully intend to make our way to your part of the world as soon as health and schedule permit. We’ll let you know as soon as we can. Once again, we are devastated that we have inconvenienced so many of you, especially our most loyal fans who often travel great distances to experience our shows. We appreciate your understanding and support for James, and as always, thank you for being part of our Metallica family.’

A lengthy, caring statement from a band who gives a shit. What I really appreciate is their willingness to reschedule. I feel like most groups would just cancel and move on to the next thing. But not the ‘Tallica. I’ll be frank, I’m kind of surprised by this news. It really seemed like Hetfield had a solid grasp on his sobriety. But addiction is sneaky, cruel mistress that pops up when you least expect it. No matter your age, social status or levels of discipline. Hetfield is to be applauded. It takes serious strength to ask for help. And I hope he gets better soon.

It’s also good to do this now because Metallica is about to release their second S&M album. Recorded in the round, with the entire San Fransisco Symphony, this live document is done arena style. Recorded at the brand new Chase Center Arena. As opposed to the original which was recorded at the Warfield Theater. The new S&M is gearing up to be even bigger than the first one. Don’t worry land down under, you’ll get your Metallica fix soon. But first lets all wish James Hetfield an effective and speedy recovery.

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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