Iron Maiden Debut New Single, Announce New Album, New Eddie

Well, after months of teasing the metal masses. Iron Maiden have delivered once again. By dropping the new single, ‘The Writing On The Wall.’ Announcing a new album, ‘Senjustu.’ And debuting a new, totally kick ass Eddie.

The ‘Book of Souls’ Eddie was totally killer. But this new, samurai themed Eddie may be the most badass since the ‘Somewhere in Time’ Eddie from 1986. Mean snarl, complete with samurai sword and bloody gums. The new single, ‘The Writing on the Wall’ is completely classic Maiden. Ranking among some of their strongest material in all of their works. They’ve really honed in on their balance between their traditional sound and a more progressive element. If the ‘Book of Souls’ was Iron Maiden’s finest post reunion album. Then ‘Senjustu’ is looking to be a very worthy follow up.

‘The Writing on the Wall’ is the perfect teaser for ‘Senjustu.’ The seven minute plus track starts with a kick ass desert, southern rock intro. But with the classic Maiden twist. The track sits in the pocket perfectly. Which is a nice change up from their typical gallop, river rock feel. The band sounds ageless. Like they still haven’t missed a beat in their nearly 40 years of being together. Maiden rides the groove during the jam. Giving the metal heads something to nod their heads to. All around a perfect teaser.

If ‘Senjustu’ is anything like the lead single ‘Writing on the Wall,’ then not only are Maiden fans in for a real treat. But the metal and hard rock world are in for one satisfying album. Hopefully, the international communities can get covid under control so Iron Maiden can tour on the album. But that seems like a long shot at this point. However, ‘Senjustu’ may just be the album we need.

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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