Journey Members Steve Smith and Ross Valory Ousted

Huge news on Wednesday in the rock world. Classic rock pop megastars Journey have fired their rhythm section. According to many reports, Ross Valory (bass) and Steve Smith (drums) are guilty of attempting a coup de gras in order to gain sole ownership of the name ‘Journey.’

The pair were let go on Tues, March 3rd. There are court documents that have been acquired by Ultimate Classic Rock, who dropped the story on Wednesday. The owners of the name are currently Steve Perry, Johnathan Cain and Neil Schon. Who all signed a legal agreement in 1998. But that wasn’t enough to stop Smith and Valory to attempt to control Nightmare Productions last December. The two reportedly had done this to guarantee royalties should they decided to stop performing. Both members have been in and out of the band. But Valory is an original member of the band. And has played on every album except 1986’s ‘Raised on Radio.’ So for him to not have any ownership over the bands name is just asinine. In response to this, Cain and Schon have fired the rhythm section and are currently seeking damages of up to 10 million in currency. Their take on it is that their contributions to the band have been limited. And both members have been compensated generously for their services.

Now, this is always disappointing. It sucks when veteran acts can’t just keep their shit together. And it happens way more than you might think. I mean, look at the situation with Ratt. And now Journey has succumbed to the all too common band suing debacle. And it’s just a shame that these guys who are in their freakin’ late 50’s to 60’s can’t act like people their own age. The band certainly won’t be same without Valory and Smith. Particularly Valory. The band has existed without either members, but they had Steve Perry on vocals still. With Arnel Pineda on vox combined with Smith and Valory out of the band. And you’ve got one hell of a hard sell for the upcoming tour. We’ll see how the shows book.

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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