LGBTQ Metal Month – Top Five Major Influences

The LGBTQ community has been an integral part of heavy musics existence. All the way from its inception and image to modern, metal loving politicians. To celebrate pride month, here’s a look at some of the most influential LGBTQ rockers.

Freddie Mercury – Queen

Obviously, Mercury was going to make this list. His influence goes so far beyond the realms of heavy music. It touches nearly every music lovers soul. No matter what genre they seem to favor. His flamboyancy and stage presence was only rivaled by a few contenders: Steven Tyler, Paul Stanley and maybe Steve Perry. All you have to do is watch Queen: Live at Wembley for proof. The legendary performance is key to unlocking Mercury’s on stage magic. Not only that, but his song writing is nearly unmatched in its uniqueness. Bohemian Rhapsody still stands as one of the most listened to songs of all time. And for good reason. Unfortunately, as we all know, Mercury’s life ended tragically in 1991 due to complications from AIDS. But his legacy lives on and on. And will never die.

dUg Pinnick – King’s X

dUg Pinnick is, without question, the most overlooked voice in not just all of rock or metal, but any popular musical genre. His passion is simply unmatched. His live preaching will lift you up and make you want to be a better person. He validates all who come across his passion and fortitude. All while doing it with the most badass bass sound you’ll ever hear. Not to mention his unbelievable gospel wail. His low end was key on influencing not only the grunge movement, but also nu metal. And he doesn’t really get the credit for his pre-nu metal style chops. King’s X are a band that have to be seen and heard live to truly believe it. Truly and experience that will leave you wanting more.

Rob Halford – Judas Priest

Another clear choice. There’s perhaps no more influential band in metal than Judas Priest. Not only were they the founding fathers of British New Wave Heavy Metal. But they’re largely responsible for the entire genres direction as a whole for the past four decades. Musically, and fashion wise. Which, by the way, was curated by Rob Halford by shopping at the gay fetish shops of Birmingham. He also curated what became the ‘classic metal’ singing voice. His unbelievable vocal range has earned him the deserving title of ‘The Metal God.’ It was a way for him to express who he was to the audience. And no one picked up on it for decades. Only to find out in 1998 that Rob Halford was in fact gay. But his worst fear of rejection was put to rest when the heavy metal community continued to welcome the metal god with open arms. And continues to do so to this day. Ironically, the song that most associate with Halfords sexual orientation, ‘Hell Bent for Leather,’ was actually solely written by primary lead guitarist Glenn Tipton.

Elton John

Do I really need to justify this one? I mean, c’mon. The fashion statements. The artistry. The decades of consistently excellent song writing. The massive sober comeback in the 90’s. And, a crazy ass flamboyant, musical biopic. It’s all there, and it’s all good. It also seems that, as time goes by, there’s an even more insane suit or outfit that Elton John has picked out to show the masses. Not to mention his live performances are truly something to behold. An incredible talent on the piano. There’s just no arguing it. All you have to do is witness a performance of the closing signature smash ‘Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting.’ It will make you a believer.

Roddy Bottom – Faith No More

The famed keyboardist in everyone’s favorite alternative metal band, Faith No More, came out during their 92/93 ‘Angel Dust’ tour. And he’s not just a great alternative heavy music writer, he’s a great film composer and has even done an original opera: Sasquatch, The Opera. Along with his two buddies Billy Gould and Mike Bordin, he’s a founding member of the revolutionary band Faith No More. Who are largely responsible for the hip hop/heavy metal combo sound that would dominate the 90’s. But Bottom and co. aren’t just limited to what they’re best known for commercially. As the band matured, they displayed an incredible range of different heavy sounds. Their 1992 masterpiece, ‘Angel Dust,’ while not insanely successful at the time, has become one of the most legendary and admired albums in all of heavy music history. Roddy Bottom’s keys tread lightly over the sound of Faith No More. Focusing more on adding texture and strength to the song. Although he also possesses technical abilities that are world class. ‘Last Cup of Sorrow’ from 1997’s ‘Album of the Year’ is an excellent example.

So there ya have it folks. Five excellent LGBTQ influences that will always stand the test of time. Who are some of your favorite LGBTQ players in the heavy music scene?

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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