Machine Gun Kelley Gearing To Release Rock Album For 2020

Well I think it’s safe to say that playing the role of Tommy Lee in the Motley Crue bio pic, ‘The Dirt,’ has had a lasting effect on Colson Baker. Also known as Machine Gun Kelley. Of course, the prominent rapper actually started out in a rock band.

Unfortunately he switched over to rap. Which I honestly don’t blame him for because it’s much more lucrative. But the rock bug has got him once again. I don’t think it’s any surprise that MGK is gearing up for a rock album. It seems to be in his blood. I mean, his interpretation of Tommy Lee was pretty spot on. Despite them not looking exactly the same. I think it’s a trend we’re going to start seeing with the Gen Zs. They’re starting to be exposed to 80’s hard rock. And it’s giving them almost a fresh idea of rock can be. For so many years rock was deemed anti-fun. As a result of the grunge movement. And now the cycle of popularity is rolling back around to mid 80’s hard rock though mid 90’s hard rock.

And that makes perfect sense because trends in popularity are cyclical. In the 70’s people were obsessed with the 50’s. In the 80’s it was the early to mid 60’s. 90’s and early 2000’s, as I remember very well, were mega mega infatuated with the 70’s. That 70’s Show ran from ’98 to ’06 if that tells you anything. So with that in mind, don’t be surprised if some other pop and rap stars start shifting over towards rock and hard rock.

Baker also prepared for the upcoming year by performing with ‘Break Stuff’ with Limp Bizkit. Sure, it’s not pure, hard rock. It’s Nu Metal. But it’s an excellent start. I would expect that MGK’s rock album will be along the nu metal lines. We shall see though.

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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