Most Metal Ways To Spend Your Quarantine Pt.1

With everyone staying inside for what will most likely be the next month, it’s pretty accurate to assume that some people are going to get some mad cabin fever. In fact, most everyone will probably get it. Especially those confined to an apartment. But fear not!! There are excellently metal ways to entertain yourself during this difficult time. Here’s part one of some of the top metal ways to entertain yourself during this quarantine.

#1 – Practice the Crap out of Your Instrument

This may be a difficult task for drummers who live in an apartment. Unless they have an electric kit. But for those who do and everyone else, practicing and improving are always excellent ways to spend alone time. It’s good for your craft and good for your character. Take the time to sink yourself into your passion. If you gotta sing, belt it out and practice. If you gotta do scales on your guitar, do that. Read up on tabs. And if you can’t read music, maybe now’s a good time to take some classes online and learn. It’ll take your playing to the next level.

Practice makes perfect

#2 – Dance Like Crazy!

Whether you’re moshing to Pantera, grinding to Ratt or Def Leppard, or dancing like Tobia Forge in the music video ‘Rats,’ dancing and moving is an excellent way to stay sane. And to burn off some of those snacks we’ve all been inevitably munching on just sitting and watching Netflix. If you feel well enough and want a few drinks first, go for it. Dancing is a fantastic way of letting loose and having fun. Forgetting about all the trouble outside. It’s excellent for anxiety, which most of us are experiencing.

#3 – Unite Others With Your Music

One thing that’s killer about heavy music is that it has a tendency to unite people. Even if they’re not regular listeners of the genre. That’s most likely because many of the subjects tackled in heavy music deal with political wrought, social tendencies and having a damn good time. Which most people can relate to. Unless they can’t understand they lyrics. Which only covers a small amount of heavy music. So share a great, heavy, groovy song with your friends via whatever social network. Whether it’s political or a fantastic, fun piece.

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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