New, Killer Track From Elton John and Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy has collaborated with Elton John for the new track ‘Ordinary Man’ for the upcoming Ozzy album. And it’s a beautiful ballad that’s excellently written. A wonderful duet that culminates both artists lives and sounds in a sentimental, intricate ballad that recalls both mens lives.

It’s a strong song. Probably the strongest track that been released from the new Ozzy album. Ozzy sounds just fine in the studio and Elton John seems to have had time stop for his voice. The lyrics fit the sound of the song, which doesn’t always happen. And there’s a real genuine, heartfelt feeling to the melodies and words of the track.

Ozzy takes the first verse while Elton John takes the second. Their voices contrast nicely. Both has such distinct and instantly recognizable voices. This track utilizes their strenths as vocalists. Ozzy’s verse is sung softly and gently. While Elton John brings in his raw, passionate wail. The timing of the song of course, seems almost planned. Earlier this week Ozzy’s publicists announced that he has Parkinson’s. And then this song drops. I just get a weird feeling that Sharon is behind it trying to capitalize on an unfortunate situation.

But you can’t let that take away from the excellence of the song. Ozzy and Elton harmonize beautifully. And the chorus is very meticulously written. It’s clear that some decent amount of thought went into writing the song. Plus, the guitar solo is freakin’ bad ass. And the song, also coming off of the heels of ‘Rocketman’ makes Elton Johns contribution all the more meaningful. I’m sure they’re going to do an Ozzy film. The major film studios would be foolish not to have a bid battle for that script. ‘Yes, I’ve been the bad guy. Been higher than the blue sky. And the truth is I don’t wanna die an ordinary man.’ Well Ozzy, it’s safe to say that you’re not going to.

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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