Ozzy Osbourne Cancels 2020 Tour Dates

Sad news for the momentum of rock and metal in 2020. Due to ongoing health issues, Ozzy Osbourne has cancelled his tour dates for the 2020 legs.

The news comes off the three new singles that have been released for his upcoming album ‘Ordinary Man.’ Ozzy made the following statement: ‘I’m so thankful that everyone has been patient because I’ve had a shit year. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get to Switzerland for treatment until April and the treatment takes six-weeks. I don’t want to start a tour and then cancel shows at the last minute, as it’s just not fair to the fans. I’d rather they get a refund now and when I do the North American down the road, everyone who bought a ticket for these shows will be the first ones in line to purchase tickets at that time.’

Wait a second, Ozzy’s going to try and go back out after his operation? I have to be honest, I don’t really see the point. The guy is in his 70’s and it’s clear that his health is deteriorating rapidly. The fact that he’s even alive is somewhat of a miracle. And I just don’t see him giving a high energy show night after night on a major tour. There’s nothing wrong with just saying, ‘Ya know, I can’t really do it anymore. I can release good records still so I’ll work on that.’ Which Ozzy’s kind of half doing anyways. The new album sounds good so far. But it’s no secret that Ozzy has been struggling live for a few years now. He still captures the energy and vibe, but his voice just isn’t as strong live. It’s not at Paul Stanley levels or anything. But it’s still time to consider hanging the tour jacket up. Which I think would be wise.

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at https://www.alexrox.com.

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