R.H.C.P. To Record New Album With John Frusciante

Looks like 2020 is gearing up to be a great year for rock and metal. The latter part of 2019 saw a number of excellent reunions including Motley Crue and Rage Against the Machine, just to name a couple. Which seems to have set up the next few years with what will hopefully be a steady output of material and tours.

And right now these reunions are imperative to the survival of rock. Particularly after the media straight up ignored the genre in 2019. Despite there being two number one metal albums released back to back. And one of the first great boons in 2020 for the genre, is the news that the Red Hot Chili Peppers are recording a new album with John Frusciante.

Drummer Chad Smith confirmed the news at an art event. Stating that the only shows lined up were the upcoming festival shows at Hangout Music Fest and Bottlerock Fest. ‘The festivals are the only shows booked. For now, we’ll mostly be concentrating on new songs and writing a new record. We’re all real excited to make new music.’ So there it is, the confirmation of new material.

Hopefully the album will live up to the bands name. The last two records and tours with Josh Klinghoffer on guitar downgraded the band to the Luke Warm Chili Peppers. I’m cautiously optimistic about what’s to come. Best case scenario, they do another ‘Mother’s Milk’ or ‘Blood Sugar Sex Magic’ (that is admittedly a long shot). Worst case scenario, they make an album no spicier than a bell pepper. My guess is that the record will land somewhere in the middle. Very similar to ‘Californication’ or ‘By The Way.’ Which would be a very welcoming offering.

hopefully this sound will dominate the new album

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at https://www.alexrox.com.

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