Rage Against The Machine to Return in 2020

It’s the reunion that rock and metal world needs. With our planet in chaos and domestic issues getting seemingly worse by the minute, Rage Against the Machine are the perfect band for our modern times. With one political isle being fairly ineffective and the other fueled by religious zealousness and hate. Those are among two of the many political subjects that RATM covers. Along with their perfect music.

The reunion comes on the heels of My Chemical Romance announcing their return. Which I’m sure sparked every human in Western society between the ages of 27 and 33 to explode. Personally I’m much more stoked on the Rage reunion. Despite the tour dates being limited. Hopefully they’re just test run dates, but so far there’s only about five dates announced. And two of those are headlining Cochella. Which is pretty bad ass I must say.

Other than that though, the dates are limited. They are as follows.

3/26/2020 – El Paso, Texas, 3/28/2020 – Las Cruces, NM, 3/30/2020 – Phoenix, AZ and 4/10 and 17 for the Cochella festival.

Now, those may seem like random dates. But one has to factor in how political RATM is. And what’s common denominator with all those locations? They’re boarder cities. It’s pretty clear that Rage is going to go apeshit over the immigration policies of our current administration. Which I can’t exactly blame them for. And they’re going to hit those cities hard and with a purpose. Here’s to the future of the band, hopefully they’ll stick around this time and do a new album. But that seems unlikely.

I mean, c’mon, we need this now!

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at https://www.alexrox.com.

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