Fucking Rolling Stone Greatest lists!! Why do I even bother reading them? Every time there’s a new 100 greatest guitarists list I keep thinking ‘maybe they’ve gotten better’. But it never happens. Even when I clicked on the link I was thinking ‘Why are doing this? You know how bullshit of a list it’s going to be.’ And bullshit it is. Although, I do have to say, there are more players that deserve to be there than ever before. So, there is some progress there. And I’m all for diversity on the list. Not all the players can be hard rock and metal players. That would be incredibly boring and inaccurate on a list. When I think of a list though, it’s gotta be more than just what the ‘cool’ kids think. Which is what Rolling Stone does. There’s gotta be some criteria. A way to objectively measure the guitarists. Three criteria rules: 1) Influence/Innovative significance, 2) Technical ability and 3) Song writing capability. The big one of the three that gets ignored, particularly by writing outlets such as Rolling Stone, is technical ability. It’s just a damn shame how this gets ignored. For example, Lindsey Buckingham is number 100. I should have know right then that the whole list would be stupid as fuck. He easily deserves a top 20 spot. He’s one of the most unique players in history and has technical ability beyond words. Not only that, he may be the greatest U.S. songwriter in the history of rock. What the fuck Rolling Stone!!?? Have you not listened to ‘Tango in the Night’??!! Also, Alex Lifeson is 98. Shameful! And for some reason Rolling Stone thinks that Kurt Cobain is a better guitarist than Dimebag Darrel. And James Hetfield is on the list but not Kirk Hammet? That doesn’t make any fucking sense. It’s not that Hammet is really amazing, but he’s certainly better than Hetfield. Joe Perry is in the 80’s which is ridiculous. I’m not saying he’s a top 30 player or anything, but certainly higher than being in the 80’s. And the following guitarists aren’t even on the list: John Petrucci, Steve Vai, Vernon Reid, Paul Gilbert, Ty Tabor, George Lynch. And for some fucking reason no Django Reinhardt. How can anyone take a greatest guitarists of all time list seriously without those names included? Those players have taken guitar beyond what was once considered impossible for the instrument. No, those guys don’t make the list but The fucking Edge and Kurt Cobain do??!! Complete bullshit.

I agree and at the same time I think we should suggest a real 100 best guitarist list. It’s impossible that Vai Satriani DJANGO REINHARDT or Petrucci are not there. And there is someone that noone name in their comments the great Paco de Lucia . Just my opinion.
I totally agree man. All those players should be there.
When you look at the list of people voting in these you wonder what music they listen to. And they should just limit it to Rock guitarists, as Jazz, Blues, Bluegrass, Classical and Folk are pretty much ignored.