Songs For A Quarantine Pt. 2

As the pandemic spreads, there’s some silver lining. Infections have slowed in New York, despite the number still going up. And all we can do is stay inside. It’s normal to be anxious. It’s normal to be unsure and to grieve. While the vast majority of us will be physically fine, despite infection. Our lives will have been upended in ways we never really thought of before. And that stress can add even more of a burden on our souls. But music is still here. It’s not cancelled. And when it comes to times like this it’s easy to see just how important music is. It unites and it heals. It can make us think and space out and have a simple, good time. So here’s some tracks to jam out to during this difficult time to heal.

Huey Lewis and the News – Small World Pt. 1&2

The way the song is laid out on the album is that Pt. one is the opening track and Pt. two comes later in the album (track five). The former being the lyrical end of the track and the latter the jam. Personally, I don’t listen to it apart. The songs are together on my playlist. And that’s really the only way to listen to the song. It’s a perfectly themed track for these difficult times. It’s makes you think about just how small this planet really is. ‘It’s a small world, and it’s the only one we’ve got.’ We’ve got to finally take action to preserve our future. There will be another pandemic. Most likely in our lifetimes. Now is the time to understand that we all share this tiny little blue ball.

Queen – I’m Going Slightly Mad

Well, this song really speaks for itself. We’re all locked up, by now most of us have or are running out of activities to do. So now folks are starting to get a little crazy. There’s been some terrific videos of people doing absolutely hilarious things. Looking at the gal who synced up belly sliding down the stairs in sync to the drum break on ‘In the Air Tonight.’ So I would say that we’re all going ‘slightly mad.’ The mad circus themed music for the track rings like an insane asylum in your head. Like I said above, the track speaks for itself.

King’s X – We Were Born to Be Loved

This barn burner from what could arguably be the best hard rock/metal trio of all time really hits the spot. Lyrically and musically. It’s a track that nails how a lot of people are feeling. We want to shout, we want to scream. But for many it’s an internal scream. But we will rise above it all. We will get through this. And, the riff jam is just so damn good. They are the true riff masters. As well as other musical aspects.

Living Colour – Out of My Mind

This killer, groovy metal track is an excellent self reflective piece. Even though it’s about a fallen dictator in a literal sense. It can certainly be applied to what’s happening in our lives. We’ve become a little too greedy. A little too hateful. And now we’re reaping the consequences. We thought we had control. This situation has made us all feel vulnerable to the possibility that we don’t. Which is the central theme to this kick ass track from Living Colour.

Ozzy Osbourne – I Don’t Know

The opening track on Ozzy’s debut album rings true to so many of us. And now the meaning of it seems more prevalent than ever. These times may seem apocalyptic, which is what give this song it’s edge. It can seem prophetic at times honestly. It came out 40 years ago. Of course, people have been thinking about the possibility of a worldwide contagion for decades. But this track even tackles subject like ‘the end’ being near. It’s even covered in the first line of the song. But the truth of the matter is that none of us really know. And it’s that uncertainty that can make us feel scared and vulnerable.

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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