So we’re six days into a new presidential administration. And so far things look pretty bleak. First was an order to scale back the affordable health care act followed by approvals to move forward on the oil pipeline at Standing Rock and Keystone. Many lives are at risk just on these two decisions alone and it’s only the tip of the iceberg. The racism, the misogyny and the millions who either agree with it or tolerate it. It’s disgusting. In times like this it’s imperative that heavy music has a purpose to make statements that grind into your head to get you up and moving for change. Enter Biohazard. They may be the most important band of the next four years. Yes I know, everyone is thinking Rage Against the Machine and that’s totally fine too. But Biohazard brings an extra layer of punk aggression that’s sorely needed right now. Their themes of injustice and misunderstanding from the government are more prominent now than almost ever before. I was instantly reminded of them when a Greenpeace member placed a ‘Resist’ flag on a crane right behind the White House. I thought, ‘Damn, that’s so fucking Biohazard. Where are those guys?!’ We need you, we need your message and your anger. The albums ‘Urban Discipline’ and ‘New World Disorder’ have never been as relevant. Not to mention ‘State of the World Address’. Song’s like ‘Tales From the Hard Side’, ‘Resist’, ‘Switchback’, ‘Shades of Grey’ and ‘What Makes Us Tick’ can easily serve as themes for the upcoming, impending disappointments. Biohazard was founded on the streets in the Bronx via 1988. So they understand the struggles of the ignored voices of the inner city. Trump says he’s going to fix inner cities. The problem is all the people Biohazard represents will still be left behind in some way. That’s why their music is so important. That’s why the world needs Biohazard. If you guys ever should come across this post for some crazy reason, please, please, please release new material and go on a tour. Do a giant protest show right on Pennsylvania Ave. Right in front of the White House. We need you guys now.