Tobias Forge Brings Back Papa Emeritus

If you’re a long time Ghost fan there’s some very good news. Tobias Forge has scrapped Cardinal Copia in favor of returning to his classic Papa Emertus. This time around debuting Emertus IV.

For most fans, this is the ideal scenario. The character of Papa Emeritus is a major integral part of Ghost’s rise to success. Also just really good songwriting. The concept of the character is that the older frontman Tobias Forge gets, the younger the character gets. Starting with the first Papa Emeritus, there’s a clear evolution of the concept. But on the last record ‘Prequelle,’ Forge took a huge step forward and created Cardinal Copia. A mob-like Cardinal with hints of glam. A smooth criminal with killer dance moves. And personally, I think it worked really well. It allowed Forge to move more on stage and in music videos. As evidenced in the video for the hit single ‘Rats.’

But some long time fans didn’t take to well to the new direction. Some complained about the character. Some complained that the mask for the costume distorted Forge’s voice too much. Which is actually a really valid point. But I always viewed Cardinal Copia as the next evolution of Papa Emertus. As the character gets younger, he gets demoted in rank. But it looks like that may be scrapped. Papa Emertus is back, to the joy of many fans. Tobias Forge said the next Ghost record would be the heaviest yet. It looks like that’s going to be a likely possibility now.

Forge debuted Emeritus IV mid set on the final show of their current tour leg. And the crowd flipped shit. Here’s to the life of Papa Emeritus IV!

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Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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