TOOL Live – 10/21/19, What To Expect

As TOOL get ready for their second and final night in Los Angeles, the city is a buzz with their energy. The current tour supporting ‘Fear Inoculum’ has been majorly successful. And of course, the band is pulling out all the stops to give the fans what they want.

Obviously the lights are going to be amazing. And TOOL have the ability to use lights that go out into the arena, such as lasers and what not, while keeping the stage just dark enough to focus on the music. I can’t wait to see Danny Careys drum set. He always has incredible set ups. And it’s not just for show. He uses the whole damn, massive kit. Plus, it’s always fun to see what the Maynard concert outfit reveal will be.

I’m also looking forward to the set. The band has thrown new track ‘Pneuma’ into the set. ‘Descending’ was debuted live last year. I’m not sure if it’s still in the set though. Personally, I’d like to hear a more streamlined group of songs that’s focused on the band’s groove. I really want to hear a good amount of ‘Undertow’ tracks. I know it’s a long shot, but ‘Bottom’ would be amazing to witness. Along with ‘Jambi,’ ‘Vicarious,’ and ‘The Pot’ from the ‘10,000 Days’ album. Or ‘Stinkfist’ and ‘Forty-Seven & Two.’ The new album can cover all their amniotic and drawn out tracks. So I’d like to see a focus on the older material to be along the lines of ‘Parabola.’ Which, according to last nights set list, looks very promising. It seems like that’s what the band is going to do. Leave the amniotic moments to the new album and celebrate the four to six minute heavy groove pieces of the 90’s and early 2000’s.

Either way, it’s gonna be a kick ass show. Can’t wait. And the review of the concert will follow. ROCK ON!!

Man, those lights!

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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