Top Five Songs For A Quarantine Pt. 1

Going with the quarantine theme here yet again. We’re all in this together so we might as well share the theme. There’s the top albums, the top metal occupancies you can do and now…top five songs for a quarantine, Pt. 1.

#1 – Aerosmith – Fever

This deep cut from the ‘Get a Grip’ album is a perfect choice. The sound, the lyrics, the vibes. It’s all there. It’s a great track to just let loose and run around your place. The driving beat and soaring rhythm make it a perfect up beat song to lift spirits and stay sane. We’re all going to experience cabin fever within the next few weeks. Possibly months. So get your ‘Fever’ on!

Joe Perry kicking ass!!

#2 – Scorpions – Crazy World

I mean, c’mon! This is such an obvious choice. It’s almost like the Scorps were predicting the future. But the reality is that things have been pretty crazy for the past 40 years. But with all the new technology and media it seems more out of control. And maybe this current situation is. But there’s so much information that it’s almost impossible to know what’s what. Which makes the world seem more crazy than ever.

#3 – Ratt – Lack of Communication

This is a majorly prevalent song during these times. It’s really kind of strange actually. Because the song came out in ’84 and Ratt are mostly a sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll type band. But this popular cut from the ‘Out of the Cellar’ album is a killer, socially conscious song that is excellently appropriate for these times. Most of this crisis has been due to a lack of communication. Whether it’s from each other or our government It’s hard to imagine that Ratt would have a song to get others through panic, but here we are. Let the driving riff move you through your space.

#4 – Megadeth – Sweating Bullets

This self reflective piece from the insane mind of Dave Mustaine is all but important during this crisis. Many of us are cooped up alone. And while talking to loved ones constantly is comforting, at the end of the day, all we have is ourselves. This song forces you to deal with that. “Hello me, meet the real me!” As the track continues, Mustaine deals with self reflective, destructive habits. Which may or may not aid during an international health crisis. What else do you need? Maybe the killer breakdown at the end!!

#4 – The Winery Dogs – Ghost Town

The songs speaks for itself if you’re living in the right area.

Spread the Metal Word

Published by

Alex Wyatt

Alex Wyatt is a metal blogger, musician, and lifelong metal fan. Visit his site at

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